Thank you for an amazing summer at the beach. I hope that you are enjoying all the blessings of Autumn.
While practicing outside is my love through the summer, as the weather cools check out the class schedule for indoor classes offered in the area.

About Katherine (Katie) Carp

Katie Carp (RYT 500) started practicing Hatha Vinyasa yoga, after she was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer in 2011. Katie walked into her very first yoga class and learned that for one hour and fifteen minutes she could stop fighting herself. Her yoga mat became a place where it was ok to forget the struggles and to just be. She started teaching yoga to create a space where people could experience this feeling. A moment in time to feel Strength, Confidence and Serenity just as they are. Sound has been an important part of her journey, she incorporates singing bowls into her classes. The notes of a singing bowl linger in the air long after the bowl is played. The soothing vibrations allow for a deeper meditative experience.