Hello Yogis, Happy New Year! I know we are already a month into 2021 but I am still getting my bearings and have not yet had the chance to wish you a healthy and fruitful 2021. This is going to be a great year! Say it with me, deep breath in “This is going to be a great year! Personally I have started a 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training through Yoga 108. One weekend a month with a few extras days throughout the year. Studying yoga philosophy, anatomy, Irest and more. Just thinking about it raises my spirits. One weekend in and I am already inspired to share new perspectives and modifications on well loved asanas. Sunday’s Zoom yoga will continue at 10:30am except for weekends that I will be training. Which means Feb 21st and March 21st the zoom class will be held at 6:30pm. The evening classes at It’s your Journey are expanding. Introducing… Wednesday night classes at It’s your Journey 6pm-7pm. Please call 440-320-7315 or email me katie@serenitysoundsyoga.com to reserve your spot The classes will be limited to 6 yogis. In February there will be both a Restorative Yoga & Singing Bowls workshop and a Friday night Singing Bowls, Breath and Meditation see the newsletter or the class Schedule tab on the website for more info. I hope your year is off to a good start, and if it isn’t I leave you with this thought from a favorite childhood movie “tomorrow is a new day, a clean slate with nothing written on it.” Namaste, Katie |